Christ Alone said, “It's interesting that some of the doctrines that are peculiar to the cults are the ones that many still hold onto even after leaving. Makes me wonder if some researched these matters outside of the NWT after leaving? As far as I can see, other translations show a far different picture of who Jesus is, what the soul is, and what the eternal destination of all of us after death.”
Londo111 said, “I do believe that we have an immortal spirit, our inner essence, that is conscious after death.”
Can you guys expand on this “eternal destination” “immortal spirit” thing? I haven’t researched other translations on the subject of hell, so w hat will become of the incorrigibly evil if they are immortal? You know guys like Satan? If there is no hell, what is their destination. If it’s hell, I for one would rather go there than worship a God that would create such a place.
By the way, excellent Youtube clip Heaven.